Revolutionizing PSAPs with
Affordable, Accurate Speech-to-Text

With the release of Revcord's MMS Version 12.3.1, we are excited to introduce the speech-to-text (STT) feature for new recording calls. This feature utilizes the advanced Faster Whisper engine to convert audio recordings into text. Revcord is leveraging best-in-class technologies to improve Speech-To-Text (STT) transcription capabilities. Revcord utilizes a customized AI-based engine to convert audio recordings into text with less than a 2% word error rate boasting best-of-class results. Let Revcord’s STT Subscription reduce call transcription times from hours to seconds.

New Recording Calls: The STT feature is applied to new recording calls automatically. Each call is processed sequentially, ensuring that every recording is accurately transcribed.

Historical Calls: For historical calls, customers will subscribe to the RevSync service to access the transcription feature. This subscription is necessary for converting and accessing transcriptions of previously recorded calls.


Transcription Process: The STT engine processes each call sequentially. The transcription data is linked to a call record once a call has been transcribed.

Contact us today to learn more and to request a

demonstration for your organization.